The season of distraction is here! Summertime, that is.

sally hendrick social media content

One thing I've noticed over the years is that a lot of people lose their way in the summertime when it comes to posting on social media. If you care to stay top-of-mind this season, then take in the tips below.

Go Seasonal and Festive

Think summer vibes—beach days, BBQs, and holidays. Post about these themes and use popular hashtags to get noticed.

Share fun stuff like refreshing drink recipes or tips for staying cool.

Here's a handful of popular hashtags you can use: #SummerVibes #Summertime #BeachDay #SummerFun #Sunshine #VacationMode #SummerLove #HotSummerDays #StayCool #SummerAdventures #BaseballSeason

Brighten Up with Visuals

Use eye-catching, colorful images and videos that scream SUMMER. Great visuals can really pop in a busy feed.

Show behind-the-scenes moments, summer DIYs, or short, fun clips.

Toss out something eye-catching, like the shocker below.

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A post shared by Rail Yard Studios (@railyardstudios)


Get Interactive

Make your posts engaging with polls, quizzes, contests, and challenges. Ask your followers about their summer plans or favorites.

For example, run a photo contest where people share their best summer shots using your hashtag.

Or simply ask: "Where are you going on vacation this summer?"

Team Up with Influencers

Collaborate with influencers or brands that have a summer vibe. They can help you reach more people and add some credibility. 

Partner up for summer-themed campaigns or giveaways to draw in more followers.

This works especially well with product sellers on TikTok. The numbers of people selling for commission on the TikTok Shop is insane!


@shoutyourcause Hugo likes to rest across the deck door threshold with his Yak Cheese Chews. #yakcheesestick #dogsofnashville #tiktokshop ♬ With great cuteness comes no responsibility - Purrcival

Go Live and Stay Active

Be responsive! Engage with comments and messages quickly. Host live Q&A sessions or virtual events to keep the conversation going.

Use real-time features like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, and TikTok to share live updates and behind-the-scenes content. This makes your audience feel connected and in the moment.

Using these tips, you can make your social media content shine even in the busy summertime!

Reach out to Sally in the chat box in the bottom-right corner with any questions you may have. Must have Facebook Messenger.

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